The following article was written by the NYSUT Research and Educational Services:
Parents and teachers share deep concerns about the standardized tests used by New York State for accountability purposes. Those include: stress on students, in-appropriateness and lack of
validity of the Common Core-aligned tests, loss of learning time, misuse of tests for high-stakes decisions, erosion of local control over school decisions and lack of transparency on state test content. Parents who decide it is not in their children’s best interests to take these assessments are part of an “Opt-Out” movement that is growing nationally and in New York State. As a result of fierce advocacy by parents and educators, a state task force has called for sweeping changes in evaluations and assessments. State tests will still be administered this spring, with the results used for “advisory” purposes only. NYSUT fully supports parents’ right to choose what is best for their children— including NYSUT members who decide as parents to opt their child out of state tests.
The State Education Department (SED), which has a vested interest in ensuring students take the assessments, claims there is no provision in state law that allows students to “Opt-Out.” This NYSUT Fact Sheet sets the record straight by reviewing the federal requirements for participation in the state assessments and potential consequences of opting-out for districts, students and teachers.
Download NYSUT’s Fact Sheet on Opting Out
This NYSUT Fact Sheet attempts to clear up the misinformation by reviewing the federal requirements for participation in the state assessments and potential consequences of opting-out for districts, students and teachers.