The following article, written by Valerie Strauss, breaks down the recent court decision of the Sheri Lederman case.
A judge has ruled that a New York teacher received an evaluation that was “arbitrary” and “capricious” as part of an assessment system
that was developed when John King, the new U.S. education secretary, was the New York State education commissioner.
New York Supreme Court Judge Roger McDonough said in his decision that he could not rule beyond the individual case of fourth-grade teacher Sheri G. Lederman because regulations around the evaluation system have been changed, but he said she had proved that the controversial method that King developed and administered in New York had provided her with an unfair evaluation. It is thought to be the first time a judge has made such a decision in a teacher evaluation case.
[Controversial teacher evaluation method is on trial — literally — and the judge is not amused]
Lederman, who teaches in the Great Neck public school district, filed a suit against state education officials over their controversial method of evaluating her — and, by extension, other N.Y. teachers.
As I explained in an earlier post: