Monthly Archives: November 2014

Mercedes Schneider: “President Barack Obama pretends to be a friend of public education, but it just is not so.”

The following article was written by blogger Mercedes Scheider and posted on her blog deutsch29.  If the Democratic Party were truly interested in understanding why they suffered such a disappointing election season, they should look no further than their education … Continue reading

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OUTRAGE… Valarie Strauss: Principal Carol Burris uncovers flawed data in her state’s official education reports

The following article was posted by Valarie Strauss in the Washington Post on behalf of South Side Principal Carol Burris.  This is a shocking revelation of the inept data collection being done by NYSED.  This story is a must read … Continue reading

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Lindsey Bever: ‘Text neck’ is becoming an ‘epidemic’ and could wreck your spine

The following article was written by Lindsey Bever and published by the Washington Post. The human head weighs about a dozen pounds. But as the neck bends forward and down, the weight on the cervical spine begins to increase. At … Continue reading

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NYSUT files motion to dismiss lawsuit challenging tenure law

Source: NYSUT Media Relations ALBANY, N.Y. Oct. 29, 2014 — New York State United Teachers announced today it has filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit challenging the state’s tenure law, arguing the suit is without any legal merit and … Continue reading

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