The following facts are provided to inform the community. More facts to follow.
- UTN Members have been without a contract since July 1,2014.
- The contract which expired in June 2014 included a HARD FREEZE in year one. That means unit members did not receive a step increment, nor did they receive a percentage increase to salary.
- The contract which expired in June 2014 included four 0% increases. The salary schedule that is currently in effect in the 2014-2015 school year is the EXACT SAME
SALARY SCHEDULE which was in place in 2009-2010.
- The most veteran teachers, those who have served the community for many, many years, did not receive a salary increase during the duration of the 2010-2014 contract.
- Teachers and Nurses are currently contributing 21% toward their health insurance coverage. This is one of the highest teacher contribution rates on Long Island.
- Due to the increased contribution to health insurance and the lack of increase or step increment, UTN members are currently receiving a net paycheck (“take home pay”) which is lower than that which was received in June.