Monthly Archives: March 2013

Urge Law Makers To Back Pension Smoothing Plan

NYSUT members are urged to fax lawmakers encouraging them to allow school districts to “smooth” temporary pension cost spikes.  Visit NYSUT Member Action Center: NYSUT Executive Vice President Andy Pallotta said this week pension smoothing is a practical solution to the occasional … Continue reading

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BREAKING NEWS: AFT president Randi Weingarten was among a group of protesters arrested in Philadelphia

*BREAKING NEWS:* AFT president Randi Weingarten was among a group of protesters arrested in Philadelphia this evening for engaging in civil disobedience to protest the city’s proposed public school closures. *Show your support for this courageous action. Tell Mayor Michael … Continue reading

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Currently Available Scholarship Information

Scholarships   Applications are currently available from UTN Building Representatives for the following scholarships:   Long Island Teachers’ Benevolent Fund (LITBF) Scholarship Eligibility: Children of in-service members of NYSUT locals which are participants in the LITBF, who are high school seniors graduating … Continue reading

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