BREAKING NEWS: AFT president Randi Weingarten was among a group of protesters arrested in Philadelphia

*BREAKING NEWS:* AFT president Randi Weingarten was among a group of protesters arrested in Philadelphia this evening for engaging in civil disobedience to protest the city’s proposed public school closures.

*Show your support for this courageous action. Tell Mayor Michael Nutter to fix, not close, Philadelphia’s public schools.* [ ]

Mayor Nutter and the School Reform Commission want to close 29 of the city’s public schools, a reckless strategy that won’t help kids and won’t save money. These harmful closures will only destabilize neighborhoods and destroy schools. Local teachers, parents and community members are standing together to demand a moratorium on harmful closures.

*Sign the petition-Tell Mayor Nutter to fix, not close, Philadelphia’s public schools.* [ ]

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