City & State: Constitutional convention and New York’s 2017 ballot proposal results

The vote to open up the NYS Constitution went down big time in the last election.  An article posted by writer Frank G. Runyeon highlights the results….

There were three proposals on the ballot this year, and the one that drew the most scrutiny – whether or not to hold a convention to amend the state constitution – was defeated decisively.

On the other questions, New Yorkers supported harsher penalties for corrupt lawmakers and an easier path for infrastructure in certain upstate towns. Here’s a look at what was decided.


“Shall there be a convention to revise the Constitution and amend the same?”

No: 76.68%
Yes: 16.25%

(at 11:56 p.m. with 12,505 of 15,502 election districts reporting)

It was a crushing defeat for proponents of a state constitutional convention. Right out of the gate, early returns showed that a lopsided result was in store. The outcome was a resounding victory for New Yorkers Against Corruption, the lobbying alliance that marshaled a war chest of $1.6 million and poured money into the effort to convince voters that a convention was not in their best interests.

Voters will not have another opportunity to amend the constitution for 20 years, in 2037. The campaigns surrounding the proposal were described as “hope versus fear.” In one of the biggest decisions on Election Day, voters decided whether to open up the document to revisions and updates, if not a complete overhaul. While there were strident voices that were pro and con con con, those hopeful that new rights and privileges would be enshrined in the legal bedrock of the state voted yes and those who feared that hard-won rights and privileges could be lost – particularly labor unions – voted no.


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