Monthly Archives: March 2013


Article 42—Leaves of Absence Each year, UTN Members are credited with fifteen (15) days to their individual sick banks.  Unused days are cumulative from year to year during the term of employment. Family sick is to be reported as “sick”. Annually, up … Continue reading

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Tell it like it is!

Stop the obsession with standardized testing! Invest in student learning, not testing! Devote time and resources to getting evaluations and common core right! THE ISSUE:  “Tell It Like It Is” is an important campaign launched by the union providing all … Continue reading

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UTN Retirements

Retirements The Officers and Representatives of the United Teachers of Northport extend their sincere congratulations and best wishes for health and happiness to the following UTN members who have recently announced their intention to retire this year:   Lisa Amorillo, … Continue reading

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