United Teachers of Northport
Update # 5
Monday, March 22, 2010
Once again, the UTN Negotiations Team would like to thank our membership for its overwhelming presence at this past Monday’s Board of Education meeting. This demonstration of solidarity was nothing short of amazing!
As a result of discussions at this Wednesday’s UTN Board of Directors’ meeting, the team would like to clarify the following items:
The District’s Proposal #1, received by the UTN at the negotiations table on February 24th, called for:
- Complete Freeze—0% Salary Increase, No Increment (each teacher would remain on his/her current step an additional year).
- “Job Protection”—no elimination of unit positions except the District reserved the right to reduce positions due to retirements, resignations and disciplinary dismissals.
The UTN countered that proposal with the following:
- Salary Freeze—0% Salary Increase plus increment for 2010-2011
- 2% Salary Increase plus increment for 2011-2012
- Guaranteed Job Protection
It has also been noted that many teachers have been asked about the “Pay Freeze” by parents. To facilitate a response, the Negotiations Team offers the following “talking points”:
- There has been no commitment on the part of the district indicating that all programs will be maintained if the UTN were to agree to a complete pay freeze.
- The UTN has been in constant communication with administration and remains willing to meet on all occasions, with limited notice.
- While the UTN has countered the District’s proposal, as noted above, the District has continually reiterated its demand to maintain a complete freeze without negotiating further.
- Note: we are the only district facing a complete freeze, by way of salary and increment, at this juncture.
- Furthermore, the District has confirmed that their financials are in solid shape, but are unwilling to discuss the second year proposed in the UTN’s counter out of concern of future economic uncertainty.
- The UTN Negotiating Team remains available for further discussion with the District to reach resolution, however the District is expecting the UTN to counter its own counter—in essence asking the UTN to bargain against itself.
Board of Meeting
Monday, March 22nd at 6:30 p.m.
High School Auditorium
UTN General Membership Meeting
Monday, March 22nd at 3:30 p.m.
High School Large Cafeteria